Holthouse Family Tree
1 Colonel William Horn 3/30/1738 - 1/19/1791 1 David Philips 1660s 1 William Williams
+8/2/1758 Celia Richardson 1740 - 1/2/1/1760 2 William Philips 1679 + ? Thomas
Nathan Horn 4/1/1759 - ? 3 John Philips 1708 Surry, VA 2 Elisha Williams 1749 - 8/17/1811
+Ann ? + 3/25/1775 Sarah Josey
+3rd wife 1779 Sarah Granberry ? - about 1790 5 Capt. Joseph D. Philips 11/6/1726 British Parish, VA Wiliam Williams 3/15/1776 - 3/6/1862
DiedDec, 1784 Nashville, TN
+2/11/1807Sally "Sally" Philips 8/1/1783 - 1/19/1859
+4th wife 7/20/1790 Sarah "Sallie" Norfleet 1763 - after 1824 +Sarah Exum Eliza N. Williams 1807 - 3/28/1826
William Norfleet Horn about 1793 - before 1819 Matthew Philips Mary Williams 10/26/1816 - 3/21/1839
David Lawrence Horn about 1795 - after 1820 Sarah Philips +12/4/1838 Robert M. Porter
Martha Philips Henry Philips Williams
+2nd wife 7/30/1761 Mary Ruth Thomas 1741 - 1778 +Joseph Sumner, Jr. William Williams
Priscilla Horn 5/20/1762 - 1850 Exum Philips John Williams
William Thomas Horn 1770 - ? +2nd Dec, 1803 Simon Williams II Joseph Williams
Patience B. Horn Benjamin Philips Evander Williams 1829 - 1855
Rachel Horn Exum Philips Elisha Williams 1782 - ?
Charity Horn Etheldred Philips +5/31/1814 Mary Poly Philips
Jemima Horn 6 Joseph D. Phillips 10/31/1763 - 5/22/1822 Sarah Josey Williams
Ruth Horn
+Milbry Horn (father William Horn) Joseph John Williams
Josiah Horn 8/6/1766 - 10/23/1845 12/4/1764 - 12/19/1851 Susannah Williams
+ Elizabeth ? 1765 - 1840 Mary "Polly" Philips 9/6/1786 - 4/11/1813 Elisha Williams
Henry Horn 1793 - 1866 Sahrah "Sally" Philips 8/1/1783 - 1/19/1859 Henry J. Williams
+ Mary Morris 1799 - 1869 +2/11/1807 William Williams +2nd 1831? Sarah Ridley
Cordell Henry Horn 1800 - 1882 4/15/1776 - 3/6/1872 Elizabeth Norfleet Hunter "Betsey" Williams 1778 - ?
+ Lucy Morris 1809 - 1882 Rebecca Philips 4/16/1790 - 7/1792 +Joseph John Williams, Jr.
Josiah Horn 1806 - ? Martha "Patsy" Philips 12/11/1792 - 3/3/1886 +2nd Col Samuel James Alston
+Elizabeth Harriett Allen Joseph Hooper Philips Jan 2, 1803 - July, 1803 at 6 mo. Joshua Williams
2 Millbery Horn 12/4/1764 - 12/19/1851 Charlotte Philips Nov 25, 1795 - July 23, 1811 at 16 Martha Williams 11/29/1809 - l11/2/1833
Henry Horn Philips 9/5/1797 - 10/4/1816 3 Josiah Frederick Williams 2/2/1786 - 11/19/1851
William Duncan Philips 6/10/1804 - 6/15/1879
+1815 Margaret "Peggy" Thomas Phillips
+1825 Susan T. Clark 9/30/1799 - 11/19/1851
+1828 Eliza Dwyer 8/3/1801 - 11/10/1871 Milbrey Williams
Born Roscrea Tipperary co. Ireland Rebecca Williams
Daughter of Daniel and Bridget Dwyer Rovina Williams
William Phillips 9/3/1846 - 7/1l/1862 Sarah Williams
Sarah Philips 1/1823 - 7/1823 + Dr. ? Whittaker
Margaret Peggy Thomas Philips Henry Philips Williams
9/30/1799 - 4/14/1844 +Frances Brennan
+2nd Martha Ann Haskins
John Frederick Williams
+Ann Nottinham McKown
John Frederick Williams
+Ann Nottinham McKown
Nick B. Williams
+Elizabeth McKown
Nick B. Williams, Jr.
Elisha Williams
Martha Williams
+ Andrew J. Duncan
Mary Thomas Williams
+ James C. Warner
Percy Warner
Margaret Williams
+Dr. ? Kennedy
4 James H. Williams
+Juliette Marion Heath
William Williams
Henry Ewing Williams 1860 - ?
5 Edward Heath Williams 1859 - ?
+Bernard Godfrey Holthouse
6 Nelle Williams
7 Margaret Martha Holthouse
+Lawrence Bernard Feldhaus
8 Lawrence Bernard Feldhaus Jr.