John Bernard (J.B.) Holthouse, Jr.
Born: 22 Feb 1855 in Decatur IN
Died: 23 Jan 1916 in Decatur IN
Married first: Mary Gast 2 May 1880
in Louisville KY
Married second: Mary Reuland at St. Mary's on 15 Jan 1898 in
Henry Bernard "J.B." Holthouse was born Feb.27, 1855 to Johan Bernard Holthouse, Sr. and Johanna Catherine Mescher Holthaus. He was baptized at St. Mary's Church in Decatur
on Mar. 25, 1855. His godparents were Herman Bosse and Mary Ann Tettmann, his uncle and aunt.
began clerking in the drug store of Dr. Dorwin at the age of 16 yrs. He studied the drug business well and made it his profession. When Dorwin died J.B. succeeded him in business, and ran the store for several years with different partners. Later he owned other
drug stores and at the time of his death
there was still a Holthouse Drug Company, though he had no active connection with it.
in his various business interests were
a cement business in Bluffton IN, store buildings in Decatur, a livery barn, and several farms in both Indiana and Ohio.
editorial from the Daily Democrat at the time of J.B.'s death
"The death of John B. Holthouse removes from this community a man who has been conspicuous in the banking and business life here for many years. (He was director and vice president of the First National Bank of Decatur.)
He was industrious, careful and successful. He watched public officials, studied the workings of the local governmental machinery and had the courage, ability and took time to advise and assist when and where he could.
He accumulated much of this world's goods and while it may not have been generally known was one of the most liberal
and charitable men of the city, giving to every worthy cause and always without blare of trumpet, his donation being usually
sent in a blank envelope.... There was
much in his life to be admired and his death is mourned by many besides his near relatives.
It is a fitting tribute that business in Decatur
cease during the last services for this good citizen."
first married Mary Gast. They applied for a marriage license on 2 May 1880 and were married in Louisville KY. They were listed as married in the 1880 census taken 4 June 1880.
had eight children, namely:
Anthony (1882)
Francis (1884)
Catherine (1887)
-Anthony and unknown (1889- died as infants)
Cecilia (1891- mentally retarded - died at age 17)
William (1893)
Gertrude (1895 - became Sister Mary Grace).
Mary, whose
picture is to the left, died in 1896 when Catherine was only 1 yr old.
needed help with his young brood and he found that help in Mary Reuland. They married at St. Mary's in Decatur on 15 Jan 1898 with witnesses Clement Holthouse and Julia Reuland.
Reuland and J. B. had eight children. These children were:
Barbara (1899)
Bernard (1901)
Charles (1902 - died at age 6 mos)
Agnes (1904 - Was a successful
car salesperson at
the Brandt's and
then Schwartz's
dealerships in
Hugh Aloysius (1906)
Elizabeth (1908)
Louisa (1910 -died at age 2yrs)
Joseph (1913)
J.B. died of liver cancer in 1916, leaving Mary alone with a large family. Fortunately,
the children of the first family were old enough to fend for themselves so Mary had only her lot to look after. She died in
1953 at the age of 85.
In the picture above
Jessie, Helen and John in back
Margaret and Hugh in front
Mary Louise had died and Robert was not yet born.
That's Robert in the picture below with his wife Doris
J.B. needed help with his young brood and he found that help in Mary Reuland. They married at St. Mary's in Decatur on 15 Jan 1898 with witnesses Clement Holthouse and Julia Reuland.
Reuland and J. B. had eight children. These children were:
Barbara (1899)
Bernard (1901)
Charles (1902 - died at age 6 mos)
Agnes (1904 - Was a successful car salesperson at the Brandt's and then Schwartz's
dealerships in Decatur. She could probably have sold refrigerators to
Aloysius (1906)
Elizabeth (1908)
Louisa (1910 -died at age 2yrs)
Joseph (1913)
J.B. died of liver cancer in 1916, leaving Mary alone with a large family. Fortunately,
the children of the first family were old enough to fend for themselves so Mary had only her lot to look after. She died in
1953 at the age of 85.

Obituary published in The Decatur Daily Democrat, 24 Jan 1916:
Death a Blow to Community - Born in Adams Co. - Funeral Wednesday
John B. Holthouse. Decatur's veteran druggist, and one of her most prominent and highly respected citizens, peacefully
passed away at 2:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon at his home on North Third street, a victim of cancerous tumor of the liver. Last
October was the first that Mr. Holthouse complained of being sick. At that time he stated that he suffered from a pain in
the side. From that time on his suffering increased. On the fourteenth day of December he consulted specialists in Fort Wayne,
who informed him that he had a cancerous tumor of the liver and extended slight hope for his recovery.
He, however, did not give up hope, himself, but on the twenty-eight of December went to Chicago to consult with Dr. Ochner,
the noted specialist. he remained in Chicago a week, taking six X-ray treatments in the meantime.
Dr Ochner also informed him that he had a cancerous growth and that his chances for recovery were only one out of a thousand.
Returning home on the fourth of January he gradually became worse day by day until last Thursday, when a change for the worse
set in. On Sunday morning, about the time of the dinner hour, he was still able to speak to his attentive and loving wife.
A few minutes after that he sank into a relapse and at 2:15 breathed his last.
The news of Mr. Holthouse's death came as a great shock, not only to his many friends in this city and county, but
to the hundreds throughout the surrounding community. He was very popular with every one who knew him and was regarded in
the highest esteem by all and greatly admired for his manly and high ideas.
For years he had been a leading figure about the city and on account of his safe and sound judgment his advice was
sought on all sides. Following his own clean ideas, and never taking advantage of anyone, he was successful in building up
a neat little fortune and at the time of his death was one of the largest holders of real estate in the city. With worldly
goods, he always had an open hand for the poor an needy. He donated liberally and delighted in seeing that he was able
to make some one not so fortunate as himself, happy.
Mr, Holthouse was born on what is known as the Wetsel farm in Adams county on the twenty-second day of February,
1855, and would have been sixty-one years old next month. When sixteen years old he moved to this city and started to work
for the late Dr. T. Dorwin in the drug store now owned by Smith, Yager & Falk. He later became a partner with Mr. Dorwin.
During his business career he organized several drug firms, the latest of which is the Holthouse Drug company.
Although the drug firm still bears his name he has not been actively in the business for the last seven years, his many
other interests needing his attention. The deceased was twice married. In 1880 he married Miss Mary S. Gast of Louisville,
Ky. To this union eight children were born, three of whom are dead. Their mother died nineteen years ago the twenty-first
of last December.
In 1898, on the fifteenth day of June, he married Miss Mary T. Rueland {sic, RAG} of Sauk county, Wis. This happy
union brought eight children into their midst, two of whom are dead.
The children that survive are: Lew, of this city; Clarence, of Ft. Wayne; Mrs. R.W. McMahan, of Chicago; Felix, of this
city; Sister Mary Grace of Two rivers, Wis., and Jessie, John, Margaret, Hugh, Helen and the babe, Robert.
The funeral services will be held at nine o'clock Wednesday morning from the St. Mary's Catholic
This Google Earth picture of North 3rd Street in Decatur shows the J. B. Holthouse still there in October 2009.
His grandaughter, Nancy Lichtle writes:
The house on the same side of the street at the corner of 3rd and Jackson is the house my grandmother
moved to awhile after Grandpa died. She lived in that house until her death. My Dad finished growing up in that
house but he was born in the first house. Margaret lived with Grandma and took care of her. The building at the
corner of 3rd and Monroe ( opposite direction from Grandma's second house but still the same side of 3rd St.) was the car
dealership where Margaret worked. It is now a NAPA store.

Bernard Holthouse was a citizen who established a reputation second to none in point of business success and integrity of
character in Adams County. For many years he was a well
known and popular druggist, the oldest man in the profession in point of years and experience. He was very popular with everyone
who knew him and was regarded in the highest esteem by all and greatly admired for his manly and high ideals. For years he
had been a leading figure about the city and on account of his safe and sound judgment his advice was sought on all sides.
It was characteristic of him that he followed the light of his own counsels, and while never taking advantage of anyone succeeded
in building up a considerable fortune and at the time of his death was one of the largest holders of real estate in the city.
But with all his wealth he had always an open hand for the poor and needy, and donated liberally and delighted in seeing others
not so fortunate as himself made happy.
B. Holthouse was born February 27, 1855, on a farm two miles west of Decatur in Adams County. He lacked
a month of celebrating his sixty-first birthday. His death followed a long and painful illness and occurred at his home on
Third Street in Decatur,
January 23, 1916. Mr. Holthouse belongs to pioneer stock in Adams
County. His father Bernard Holthouse arrived in Adams County in 1837,
and was one of the three or four pioneer Catholic settlers in the county, and one of the original members of St. Mary€™s
Church, with which the Holthouse family have for many years been identified and to which John B. Holthouse during his life
was one of the most liberal contributors. Bernard Holthouse was a native of Hanover, Germany, and came to Adams County about a year after his arrival
in this country. He died in Washington Township
in 1871.
B. Holthouse was educated in the district schools, and while his advantages in that direction were somewhat limited he had
that intellectual curiosity which makes a man a student all his life and hardly a day of his life but he added something to
his acquisition of learning and gained the reputation of being a man of mature wisdom.
the age of sixteen he went to Decatur and began clerking in the drug store of Doctor Dorwin, one of Adams County€™s
best known early physicians. He set himself with enthusiasm to the task of learning the drug business, and mastered it and
made it a profession. When Doctor Dorwin died Mr. Holthouse was in a position to succeed him in business, and he conducted
the old store for many years with different partners. Later he owned and had other drug stores and at the time of his death
there was still a Holthouse Drug Company, thought he had had no active connection with it for several years. He was a man
of many and varied business interests, and everything he touched seemed to prosper. At Bluffington he started and developed
a cement business, which after a few years he sold out at a large profit. He added several store buildings to Decatur, and put up one of the largest and best livery barns in the county on North Second Street. He owned a fine home on North Third Street, and at different times acquired several farm properties both in Ohio and Indiana. At the time of his
death he owned a place of 240 acres a mile north of Monroe in Adams County. In polities Mr. Holthouse was
a democrat, and was active in his church, and also in the Knights of Columbus
and at the time of his death was deputy grand knight of the order.
position he occupied so long in Decatur and the esteem in
which he was held is well reflected in an editorial which appeared in the Daily Democrat at the time of his death. €œThe
death of John B. Holthouse removes from this community a man who has been conspicuous in the banking and business life here
for many years. (He was director and vice president of the First National Bank of Decatur.)
He was industrious, careful and successful. He watched public officials, studied the workings of the local governmental machinery
and had the courage, ability and took the time to advise and assist when and where he could. He accumulated much of this world€™s
good and while it may not have been generally known was one of the most liberal and charitable men of the city, giving to
every worthy cause and always without blare of trumpet, his donation being usually sent in a blank envelope. He met death
with the same fearlessness that he met life, realizing for several weeks that he would have time only to arrange his affairs
before the summons would come, yet he did not complain and quietly and carefully prepared. There was much in his life to be
admired and his death is mourned by many besides his near relatives. It is a fitting tribute that business in Decatur cease during the last services for this good citizen.€
1880 Mr. Holthouse married Miss Mary S. Gast of Louisville, Kentucky. She died in Decatur
December 21, 1896. She was the mother of eight children, five of whom are still living: Louis, proprietor of the Holthouse
Garage at Decatur, married and father of one son and two daughters; Clarence of Fort Wayne, who is married and has three daughters;
May, wife of Robert McMahan of Chicago; Felix, who is a farmer east of Decatur and is married; Catherine, who took the veil
in 1915 and is now known as Sister Mary Grace of the Order of St. Agnes, a teacher at Victoria, Kansas. On June 15, 1898,
at Decatur Mr. Holthouse married Miss Mary T. Reuland, who was born in Sauk County, Wisconsin, forty-eight years ago. She had lived
in Decatur for two years before her marriage.
Holthouse is of German ancestry. Her father, John Reuland, was born in Luxemberg, Germany, and when twelve years of age was
brought to the United States by his parents who located as pioneers in Sauk County, Wisconsin, where they spent the rest of
their years and where John grew to manhood and became a farmer. John Reuland married Barbara Liken, who was born in the city
of Chicago when that metropolis was chiefly a small rural village surrounded Fort Dearborn. When she was very young her
family removed to Southern Wisconsin and her parents spent the rest of their active lives as farmers in Sauk County. John Reuland and wife were Sauk County farmers
and he died at the age of seventy and his wife at forty-five. They were very active members of the Catholic Church.
Holthouse besides rearing and looking after her large family has done much work in St. Mary's Church, is a member of the Red
Cross Society and is active in St. Vincent de Paul Society. She became the mother of eight
children and the six still living are Jessie, John, Margaret, Hugh, Helen and Robert, the last now four years of age. Jessie
was educated in the local parochial schools and St. Mary's College at Notre Dame. John is now a student in St. Joseph College
at Rensselaer, Indiana. The other children except Robert are students in the parochial schools.

Thanks to Nancy Lichtle who is the daughter of Robert and Doris Holthouse and the grandaughter of J. B. and Mary Reuland
Nancy is in front of the stairs in the picture below with her husband Ken Lichtle, their daughter Karen Buchanan
and her husband John.
Going up the stairs from the bottom are Matt and Cindy Lichtle Lasher,
Jerry and Barb Lichtle Pfeiffer and their sons, Drew and Jeremy, and Cecelia Germann. Behind Celia are Kent and Ann
Lichtle Germann.