April 15, 2004 Signal - SELL
The NYSE Composite Index opened at 6545.96
We're going to quit showing our last two signals soon.
We will make them available only to subscribers who will be advised by email when our proprietary market timing system issues new signals. The following chart includes back-tested signals prior to November, 2002 and actual results since that time.
We believe the least volatile investment opportunity is investing in the broad stock market. This eliminates the risk of seeing individual stocks lose significant value overnight. The movement of the total market is dampened by the up and down movement of all of the stocks in the market. Yet the total market does move up from time to time and down from time to time. It just doesn't move as quickly as some individual stocks.
You can see from our back-tested results that it's possible to have a positive return investing in the broad market, even in a severe downward trending market like 2002. The key is getting in when the market starts moving up and getting out when it starts moving down.
We developed this market timing system for our own use to spot these pivot points in the broad market. Back-testing our proprietary system yielded very good results as you can see below.
Paul A Merriman, Publisher and Editor of Fund Advice.com, has published a number of articles on the value of market timing. Follow the link below to one of his best articles.
Click here to go to "Best Retirement Portfolio I Know Using Timing" While past performance in no way guarantees future performance, we are now investing as indicated by our signals Any investment decisions you make are your own decisions. You are responsible for your investment decisions. Nothing you read on this web site should be construed as a recommendation for you to invest in the stock market.