We have listed below two investment vehicles we use that track, more or less, the movement of NYSE Composite Index. We have also listed two other investment vehicles we use which attempt, more or less, to move in a direction opposite the NYSE Composite Index. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) offer low fees and trade just like stocks. There are ETFs that track with just about every grouping of stocks you can think of. The following link is an excellent research resource for ETFs.
Click here to go to ETF Connect by Nuveen Investments.
These are many alternative investment vehicles that can be used to profit from overall movement of the market. We only show these as being representative of the types of investment vehicles we use. We've listed some other useful web sites at the bottom of this page.
The links to these four investment vehicles are to Barchart.com. It is one of many web sites that give out free information on the stock market. We like the format of the linked pages we are using below because on one page you can see relevant information about stock, index, or fund movement.
Barchart.com provides good information on the movement of stocks, indices, and funds. The links below take you to the "Technicals" page of Barchart.com where you can see such things as price movements for the past 5, 20, 50, 100, 200 day and year to date as well as percentage losses or gains for those same periods. It's an easy way to see the direction and strength of price movements.
Barchart.com also gives BUY and SELL recommendations based on various technical indicators for each stock, index, or fund analyzed.
Click on this link to see the Barchart.com information of the NYSE Composite Index. Notice the Percent Change column. Click here to see the latest NYSE Composite Index charts |