Ken Carpenter reported the following:
We had great weather and a great turnout - 16 golfers for three days and 10 for
the fourth day.
It was great to welcome three new golfers to our midst - George Gaskel, Al Birchler, and Bill Andrews.
Apple was the "big money" winner and overall tournament winner. Dick was low gross, low net, was on the winning team three
days, and won three closest-to-the-pin contests. It was fitting that he was the first winner of the "Distinguished Golfer
of the Year" traveling trophy donated by yours truly. Other winners of closest-to-the-pin contests was yours truly with two,
Ray Jackson, Joe, Butler, and Bill Andrews with one each.
There were only three net scores below par all week. Al
Birchler with a 68, and Pete Ster and Don Toth with 71's. So it would be fair to characterize the scores as rather high in
spit of excellent conditions.
Monday we played Litchfield Country Club and used a modified Stableford scoring system.
The winning team was Apple, Birchler, Steed and Ster. Second was Hauck, Butler, Andrews, and Jones.
Tuesday we played
the River Club and used a Blind Vegas scoring system. The winning team was Birchler, Butler, Andrews, and Wilson. Second
was Apple, Bros, Gaskell and Willings.
Wednesday we played Willbrook Plantation Golf Club using a best ball medley
engineered by yours truly. The winning team was Apple, Jackson, Elder, and Jones. Second was Carpenter, Butler, Andrews,
and Ster.
Thursday we played straight net score and factored the threesome scores by 4/3. Winners were Apple, Bros,
and Wilson. Second ws Carpenter, Jackson, Elder, and Ster.
I have captured 241 individual scores of 32 people who
have played in one or more Good Guys Golf games and have these on a spreadsheet for anyone interested.
On Tuesday evening
October 13, 1998 we roasted George Gaskel who, as you know, celebrated his 50th anniversary of joining Cummins on that day.
There were many good stories and we had a super time. George is still active with Cummins Southeastern and handles their
largest marine account.