
Litchfield 2003

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Sixteen Cummins Good Guys attended the 2003 golf outing at Litchfield.

The last report from Ken Carpenter prior to the 2003 outing follows:

I reckon that it is time for another update as we have had some changes. Since my last note of August 5, we have suffered three cancellations.

Fred Bros has a shoulder under repair (as I recall,,,my memory is sh_t) (someone who shall remain anonymous said, "hope it isn't his martini arm".) Fred hopes to rejoin us next year.

Bill Andrews didn't think his back would be working yet (again my recall my be failing a little). Bill has arranged for Jim Munt to bring the trophy which Bill has had this past 12 months to Litchfield.

Ken Foster's sister is getting older and her health is failing so Ken is going to Ohio to be with her for a while, and didn't think that he would be free by the end of the month.

Tom Payne is joining us, but says that he will not golf under any circumstance. I'm not sure it was a good idea putting him and Munt in the same room; don't know who will look after whom. Maybe Tom will fill in for Bros' story telling.

So here are the room lists:

Carpenter - Leasure
Munt - Payne
Jackson - Grace
Penn - Sawrey
Kahlenbeck - Hauck
Butler - Ster
Feldhaus - Bunch

As we are but 15 for 16 beds, our rates will be increased a little bit, $7 or $8 for the three days.

Dave Hibbs will join us Monday morning only for golf.

Ken Carpenter's Final Report



At times, I wish that I wasn't so humble. If I weren't so humble, I'd tell you that I exercised better judgment, executed more precisley, and outplayed the field to win the "Distinguished Golfer of the Year" award for the second time.


The truth is that this humble reporter got lucky. After being shut-out on Monday at Willbrook Plantation, I luckily won low net, second low gross, twice closest-to-the-pin, and was on the winning team on Tuesday at Litchfield Country Club. Then on Wednesday, I really got lucky as I tied for low net with Barney Bauermeister and was on the winning team. I would tell you that I got another hole-in-one, except that I never had one before. I got a HOLE-IN-ONE on the 12th hole Wednesday at The Tradition! Dick Penn, Jim Munt and Ray Jackson will testify. Drinks were set up all around, sorry that some of you missed out.


The overall standings follow: Barney Bauremeister was a close second overall in the running for the trophy. He was also the grossest golfer there, winning low gross each day!


Larry Feldhaus was third. Dick Penn was fourth. Wendel Hauck was fifth. Jim Munt was sixth, Frank Leasure was seventh and Ray Jackson was eighth. I could go on, but then we'd all know who was 12th, so I stop here.


Let me be perfectly clear about one thing! There was absolutely no link between my establishing the game format, adjusting the handicaps and tallying the results to my winning! The record is available for anyone's audit.


We had 13 golfers on Monday and 12 both of the other days. Tom Payne didn't suit-up, claiming that he had retired from golf, but he settled all the arguments. Maybe he even started some.


We stayed in the four bedroom cottages, and although we ended up being only 13, instead of the 16 needed, the cottages got rather good reviews.


I am not going to report on the gin rummy games due to IRS rules.


I am forwarding under separate cover, a short movie clip of each golfer.


We had some great food. Some went to Frank's on Monday, and the reports were excellent. Everyone went to the Rice Paddy in Georgetown on Tuesday and it was a definite winner!


Next year's venue received considerable discussion, and Fairfield Glade near Crossville, Tennessee, will be investigated by Wendel Hauck. This location was put forward as a more central location than Litchfield. It will be more costly, but how much more, is what Wendel will check out.


Larry Feldhaus volunteered (as I recall) to organize the event for next year, right, Larry?


Anyone wishing to see the scores, just let me know.


Regards to all,


Ken Carpenter


ps: Pete, I figured out who the $6 belongs to (it wasn't a tip, afterall); it was Barney Bauermeister for his closest-to-the-pin. Why don't you bring it to him next year?


pps: I half thought I was kidding when I told Dave Hibbs that I'd send him his winnings when he left early. He won $4 for 5th low net, so I'll send that as promised. 

We need pictures from this year. If you have any, and we'll make arrangements to get them on this web page