Son of Henry Bernard Feldhaus Jr. and Mary Ann Schneider
Born:     Lawrenceburg, TN on May 8, 1907
Died:     Lawrenceburg, TN December 30, 1987
Dad was 74 years old when the video below was taken at his home in Lawrenceburg.
Lawrence was born in Lawrenceburg Tennesse on May 8, 1907. He was trained as a brick mason, specializing in iron
mill furnace construction, but he worked as a general mason around the country, as far away as Kansas City, Paduca Kentucky,
and Birmingham Alabama.
Sat, May 2, 1936 – 2 · Nashville Banner (Nashville, Tennessee) · Newspapers.com
In 1936 at age 29 on Thursday, 30 April, 1936 he married Margaret Martha Holthouse from Lawrenceburg.
They traveled around the country with their young children while he worked as a brick mason.
In 1939 they settled in
Lawrenceburg and he worked on the construction of the new Reynolds Aluminum plant in Sheffield Alabama. When it was
finished, he began working as a brick mason in the maintenance department, maintaining the brick ovens used to melt the raw
aluminum. He commuted from Lawrencrburg daily.
The map below is an interactive Google map. Click on the + sign to zoom in
and the - sign to zoom out. Click on the any of the blue markers to see information about that location.
View Lawrenceburg, TN in a larger map
Lawrence and Margaret had six children; Larry, Jack, Margaret Nell, Steve, Frank, and Mary Ann.
I remember in January of 1941 I went with Dad to buy a new 1941 Cheverot sedan. I was four years
old. A couple of years later he was driving to work one morning with a car load of workers and ran into the back of
a truck parked on the road in heavy fog with no lights on. The right side of the car was totaled, but miraculously,
no one was seriously hurt. New cars weren't being manufactured during the war, so he found a junk car and had it cut
in half and welded to the good half of his car. He drove that car for another three years.
Soon he was promoted
to Foreman, a job he held until he retired following a heart attach at age 55. He lived in Lawrenceburg until his death
late in 1987 at 80 years of age.

I believe the house below, shown as it appears in 2000, is the same house above that we lived in when we started
to school. At that time the road in front was gravel. My brother Jack and I would catch a ride on the center pole which stuck
out the back of the wagons as they passed the house.

Lawrence hunted and fished all his life. He always enjoyed fishing the creeks in Lawrence and Wayne county.
He caught many bass from Napier Lake. He was also an accomplished Tennessee river fisherman. As a young
man he played poker and later he played bridge. He was always lucky with cards. Also, as a young man he was
a very good pool player. After he retired, he took up golf and played several times a week. He was feared for
his abilty to get the ball up an down from anywhere on the course. We lived on 435 First Street for
a number of years. After I left home, on St. Patrick's day in 1969 Dad, Mother and Mary Ann moved to Admiral Circle
just behind the old house.
Lawrence was good with his hands and could do almost anything.
He was, you might say, a Jack of all trades. He never met a stranger and had a wide circle of friends from all walks
of life.
The pictures of the house below were taken in 2009. The house where Dad
grew up is still here but has seen the ravages of time.
View from Buffalo Road East
View from Groh Street North
 Lawrence, Rose and Clara (Their dresses were made
by their older sister Ann)
 Lawrence's Family
Row 4: (Henry) Joseph Feldhaus, Catherine (Cate) Feldhaus
Row 3: (Mary) Ann Feldhaus, John Charles (Charlie) Feldhaus, (Rose) Feldhaus, (Ann) Theresa Feldhaus
Row 2: (Henry) Bernard Feldhaus Jr., George Schneider, (Mary) Ann Schneider Feldhaus
Row 1: Clara Feldhaus, (Lawrence) Bernard Feldhaus
 Jack, Myrtle, Bob, Mama Nelle, Pop, Virginia, Larry,
Mary Ann, Margaret, Lawrence 1961
 Steve, Lawrence, Larry around 1986
Not sure but believe this is Lawrence as a baby
 Where Lawrence grew up
The house of Henry Joseph Feldhaus Jr. and Mary Ann Schneider was started April 7, 1902 on several acres of land on the corner
of Groh Street and Buffalo Road in Lawrenceburg, TN.   The house featured solid brick masonry and solid brick partitions.
  There were three closets, one pantry and china cabinet combined, and one bookcase.   There were two stairways up
and a stairway to the cellar.   A hallway ran all the way through the house.   The bathroom was in the back of the
house. Water was supplied from a cistern.   A large orchard lay east of the house.   It contained two fruit trees
of every kind. Mr. Charles Kamarad and his wife, Theresa Schneider, who was a sister to Mrs. Feldhaus, built their home from
the same plan on Brink Street.

Clara, Lawerence, and Rose
Virginia, Margaret, Lawrence, Mama Nell, Frank, Pop 1956

Lawrence and Margaret in their later years |