Mary Ann with her brothers, John on the left and Joseph on the right. Her sister Theresa married Charles Kamarad
in 1904 and they had a daughter Theresa who became a nun. Her sister Threresa died, maybe in childbirth, or soon after
her daughter was born.


Daughter of George Schneider Born:
1 Jan 1865 Goshen, IN Married: Henry Bernard Feldhaus 5 November, 1883 Deerfield, TN
by Fr. Engleburt Ruff
Meiers and Amelia Sweise attendants
24 Sep 1934 in Lawrenceburg, TN

I don't know much about my Grandmother Mary Ann Schneider Feldhaus. She was still alive when
her husband Henry died in 1931, but had passed on before I was born eary in 1937. Because her father arrived in the
U.S. from Germany when he was only 21 years old, it's likely that she was born in the U.S. She died in 1934 at 69 years
of age.
The picture to the right of Henry Jr. and Mary Ann and the picture below were
given to me by Ann Feldhaus Boulie's daughter Clara who obtained them from Clara Feldhaus.

Back Row: Henry Bernard Jr, Henry Joseph, Cate, Mary Ann
Front Row: Ann, Rose, Charlie
This picture was taken sometime during 1896.

Charles, Henry Bernard Jr.,Mary Ann, Lawrence and Clara

Joe Schneider, Mary Ann, Henry Bernard Jr., Charlie, and Lottie Schneider, Joe's wife. Probaby taken about June
of 1917 when Charlie registered for the draft and the war was well under way having started in 1914. Notice the American
flag. Germany was the aggressor in WWI and this was a German family showing their allegance to their adopted Country.
The war ended in November of 1918.

Grandpa Feldhaus' funeral April of 1931. Front Row: Aunt Rose, Dad's Mother Mary Feldhaus, Priest, George
Boulie, Aunt Clara, and Sis Boulie. Back Row: Uncle Charlie, Aunt Ann, Dad wearing Aunt Rose's extra habit, Aunt
Cate, Josephine Boulie, Anna Feldhaus Sutter, and her son Alfonso.