Daughter of Henry Bernard Feldhaus Jr. and Mary Ann Schneider
Born:     Lawrenceburg, TN on February 18, 1994
Died:     Lawrenceburg, TN on ????
Ann married Joe Boulie, a brick mason.   He was born November 7, 1892 and died in August 1966.   They lived at about
335 Berger Street in Lawrenceburg on the south side of the street, across the street from their daughter Sis and just west
of Andy Rosier.   Joe Boulie was the brother of Lena Boulie Feldhaus who married Ann's brother, Henry Joseph Feldhaus.
Click her to learn more about the Boulie family
They had seven children.
The oldest son, William, lived in Lawrenceburg and was a bricklayer after returning from service in the CB's during WWII.
  He was an outdoorsman and hunted and fished all his life.   He was born on February 27, 1915 and died on March 21,
2004.   His wife, Chapple was born September 21, 1916 and died December 3, 2002.   They had one son, Michael who resides
in Lawrenceburg.
The oldest daughter, Anna (Sis) married Tom Kemper and lived across the street.   She was born on September 27, 1916 and
died on May 7, 1997.   She had three sons and two daughters.   The two youngest sons, about 20, left town eary one
morning to go fishing and ran into a bridge outside of town.   One sustained serious head injuries, but lived for several
years.   The other sustained a broken leg, but died in the hospital from a blood clot.   I believe there names were
Buddy and Jimmy.   The oldest son became a fireman, and like his father, died in mid-life from a heart attack.
Josephine Dinardo lived in Detroit but moved back to Lawrenceburg where she lived the last twenty five years of her life.
George ended up in Las Vegas.
Clara lives in Chappel Hill, NC.
Charles retired from the Army and lives in Anniston, AL with his wife Anna.   They have three children, Imelda, Charlie,
and John.
Ann held several family reunions at her house.   They were large affairs with all the children from all the brother's
and sisters there.
I spent quite a bit of time at Ann's house.   Charles Boulie used go with me down to the area
on the other side of Buffalo Road rabbit hunting and swimming.
There was often wild game on the dinner table at Ann's
house, as ther was at ours.   I liked most of it, but didn't really like the possum.