There were many iron ore mines in the area of Lawrenceburg during the 1980's.   Henry Feldhaus built and repaired the
furnaces which were made out of fire brick.   The last large iron ore furnace that I was aware of was the one in Mt. Pleasant
that closed down around 1948.
Photo of the Warner mine and washer taken in the early 1900's.   Iron ore is washed in the upper left and floated thru
the pipe at the right.   The conveyer carries the ore and the rock where men pick out the rock.   The ore is dropped
into cars at the lower left.   People worked for 50 cents a day doing this.
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the picture.
Allen's Creek at Mannie/Ruppertown ore maines.   The photo was taken in the early 1900's.   The track and trestle
were laid to reach a section.   A dinky (small engine) was used to haul iron ore to the furnace.
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the picture.
This Mannie furnace at Allen's creek photo was taken early in the 1900's.   This furnace was once owned by Bon Air Coal
& Iron Co.   It furnished iron during WWI for guns and ammunition.
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the picture.
Mannie furnace.   TThe building on the left is the office for workers.   TThe buildin on the right is the commissary
where food, clothes, etc. were bought using script instead of money.   TJust below was the depot.   Engineer Jesse
Murrell hauled freight cars, coal, pig iron, crushed rock, etc. to the furnace.   (Jake Rupert train)
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the picture.