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Southside Virginia Families, Volume 2 By
John Bennett Boddie, Published 1956, Pages 350-356 John Philips,
born circa 1698, mentioned in the will of his grandfather Mathew Swann in 1702. On 2-19-1719 he purchased 265 acres on the Main Swamp of Lawnes Creek from Lovelace Savidge. (Surry B.1715-255).
His will was dated 8-11-1758 and probated the following year. He devised his land in Southampton and on the "Bold Bobbin"
Branch in the county of Surry to son Hartwell who appears to have been the youngest. Son Hartwell and kinsman Carter Crafford
were appointed executors. Only daughter Mary Warren was married when the will was made but the final division of his estate
1-19-1762 among the heirs suggests the names of his other sons-jn-law. The estate was divided among the heirs Arthur Philips;
Joseph Philips, Hartwell Philips, Allen Warren, Moses Bennett, Joshua Wood, Joshua Proctor and Micajah Exum. The wife of John
Philips is uncertain. Hannah, daughter of John Fort of Surry was married to a John Philips in 1721. (S.V.F. -196). Martha,
the youngest daughter of Robert Crafford of Surry married a Philips and a similarity of names suggests that it might have
been this particular John Philips. (V. H. G. -296). John Philips, of course,
may have married twice. Issue:
John Philips - untraced.
Joseph Philips, m. Sarah Exum. See later.
Arthur Philips - He moved to Edgecombe County, N.C. , where he purchased land on Fishing Creek in 1751. (Halifax
D. B. 4-131)
Hartwell Philips m. (1) Jane Hancock; (2) Feraby Jones.
Lucy Philips - untraced.
Ann Philips - untraced.
Sarah Philips - untraced.
Mary Philips m. Allen Warren III of Surry County, Va. In Volume 2, p.3, Surry County Deeds, Allen Warren conveyed
to his step-father John Little, his lands in "Philips Pocoson". Allen Warren
III was the son of Allen Warren Jr., and his' wife Anne Hart. Issue of Mary Philips and Allen Warren
III. (See V.H.G. - 251) 1. William Warren, died 1804. 2. Arthur Warren 3. John Warren 4. Jesse Warren 5. Martha Warren m. Mr. White 6. Mary m. Mr. Murphee
Following is the Surry County VA 11 August 1758 will record of
John Philips. Surry
In the name of God Amen I JOHN PHILLIPS of the County of Surry being of perfect sound Mind and Memory (Thanks be Given to
Almighty God) Do make and Ordain this my last Will & Testament in Manner
and form following that is to say – I give to my Son John a Feather Bed and Furniture and Ten pounds Current Money. Item: I give to my
Son HARTWELL my Plantation in Southampton County containing Three hundred and Twenty Acres also the Plantation where on I now dwell and the Land on Bold Robin Branch in the County of Surry
aforesaid to him and his Heirs forever --- Item: I also give my Son HARTWELL my Two Negroes Boys named Frank and Jacob. Two Feather Beds and Furniture and Eleven pounds Currt. Money
with the Interest theron due by Bond from Mary Glover & Thos. Bailey junr. I also give him my said Son HARTWELL my Young
Bay Horse and my Saddle an Bridle Two Iron Potts & Hooks Five Chests Four Cyder Casks.
One pot Rack the Shor?_ Three Chairs one pieces of Cotton & Thread
Virginia Cloth for Shirting and one piece all cotton to make him a Coat and Breeches, with Cotton Cloth to Line them to be
delivered to him as he wants them together with all my wearing Cloths and those that were his deceased Brothers. One Broad Axe one Adze One Auger & Gouge--- Item: I direct that my Negro Wench Hanah
shall be Sold by my Executors hereafter named for the best price that can be had and the Money arising by the Sale to be Equally
divided between my Sons ARTHUR & JOSEPH and my Daughter MARY WARREN or the Survivors of them or their legal Representatives --- Item: I give my Daughter MARY WARREN my
Negro Boy named Jeff --- Item: I direct that my Negroes named Sam. &
Phillis, Mingo, and Sue, shall be Sold by my Executor hereafter named
for the best Price that can be had and the Money arising by the Sales to be equally divided between my Son HARTWELL and my Five Daughters MARY, ELIZABETH, LUCY, SARAH
and ANN or the Survivors of them or their legal Representatives --- Item: I give my Daughter
ELIZABETH One Iron Pott--- Item: I give to my Daughter
LUCY one Iron Pott --- Item: I give to my Daughter
SARAH one Iron Pott --- Item: I give to my Daughter ANN One
Iron Pott & One Copper Kettle --- Item: I give all the Rest of my Estate to be equally divided between my five Children, ELIZABETH, LUCY, SARAH, ANN & HARTWELL and I direct that my Negroes and other Necessaries be kept on my Plantation to Finish my Crop which is also
to be equally divided amongst my last mentioned Five Children --- Item: I direct that my Estate shall not be Appraised And I do hereby Constitute & appoint
my Kinsman Carter Crafford and my Son HARTWELL Executors of this my Last Will
revoking and making void all former Wills by me made Inn Witness wherof I have put my Hand and Seal this Eleventh Day of August
Anno Domi 1758 --- Signed
Sealed Published and Declared
(his mark) PHILLIPS (SS) To be
the Last Will & Testament of John Phillips in presence of ------ John Ruffen,
John Regan, William Maget -------
John's will to Hartwell - Property #1 - Plantation where on I now dwell Surry County Virginia Deed microfilm copy obtained
from the Library of VA. Click to see a copy of the deed. Charles Savage, planter, and wife Elizabeth Savage to JOHN PHILLIPS for 6000 pounds tobacco... 270 acres more or less bounded by Samuel Thompson,
Nicholas Sessoms [Sessums]… branch
bet sd Savage and Joseph Richardson Wit.
William Drew and John Simmons
Charles Savidge Rec.
2 Mar 1702
Elizabeth (X) Savidge This deed was recorded in a reference as being 220 acres, but the original deed above is for 270
acres. The writing on the deed is such that it would be easy to think it was for 220 acres.
A John Phillips, with two "L"s, is shown in the 1704 Surry County VA Quit Rent list as owning 270 acres which agrees with
this deed.
26 Aug. 1766 Surry Co. Deed
Book 8 1760-69 HARTWELL PHILLIPS and wife Jane
Phillips of Edgecomb Co. in North Carolina to Anthony Digge of Surry County for 30 pounds current money-270 acres bounded
by a former corner of Samuel Thompson and Nicholas Sessoms and a branch formerly between Charles Savage
and Joseph Richardson.
19 Mar 1764 Surry CO VA Reg. 20 March 1764 Db-8, p. 212, HARTWELL and wife Jane of Southwark Parish to
John Warren of same, 45 pounds current money,
265ac, land granted to Robert Savidge 20 April 1682, who willed it to
Loveless Savidge, who sold it 16 Feb 1719 to JOHN PHILLIPS,
the father of HARTWELL, which JOHN willed it to his son Wit: John Watkins, Henry Davis The
John Bennett Boddie book, Southside Virginia Families, states: “On
2-19-1719 he (John Philips, with one “L”) purchased 265 acres on the main Swamp of Lawnes Creek from Lovelace
Savidge. (Surry B. 1715-255).” This seems to be the same 265 acres
described in the following deed from Loveless Savidge to John Phillips, with two "L"s, in 1719. From the Boddie book
we learn that it is located on the main swamp of Lawnes Creek in the County of Surry. Surry
County Virginia Deeds,1684-1733 and other court papers, 1715 - 1730 pg. 255 16 Feb 1719 Loveless Savidge Planter of Surry CO [Indenture also
signed by wife, Sarah Savidge], to JOHN PHILLIPSs... 265 acres near a parcel
surveyed for Charles Savidge and bounded by Mr. Samuel Thompson , This Land being formerly granted to Robert Savidge
on 20 Apr 1682 and being given by will of sd Robert Savage to sd Loveless Savidge. Wit. Robert Ruffin and William Drew
Loveless Savidge Rec.
17 Feb 1719
Sarah Savidge
County, Virginia Deed Book 3, 1760 to 1767, Transcribed by Forrest King, Pg 392-392
dated 26 Feb 1765 HARTWELL PHILLIPS of North Carolina to EDMUND BRANCH 320 acres (patent to JOHN PHILLIPS of Surry County, Virginia
on 28 Aug 1746 and by will given to sd. HARTWELL), S: HARTWELL (signed) PHILLIPS, W: JOSHUA (signed) WOOD, DAVID (signed)
HATFIELD, and JOSEPH (signed) GRAY Wit: Joshua Wood [Joshua was brother in-law of HARTWELL],
David Hatfield, Joseph Gray. Recorded:
12th Sept 1765
Surry County [Virginia] Tithables,
1668-1703 By Edgar MacDonald, Richard Slatten 1677 John Phillips
1 William Phillips
4 1678 John Phillips
1 John Phillips
1 William Phillips, Rich Hide, William
Carpinder, William Knot, William Chivers, Samuel Pellett, a servt. Maide 5 1684 John Phillips, Corn.
illegible John Phillips Jr.
1 To ye parish: John Phillips
Sr., Corn. Cardinpane, Robert House Sr.
3 1687 John and William Phillips 2 John Phillips Jr.
1 John Phillips Sr.
-1 1690 John and William Phillips 2 1691 John Phillips, Charles
Digby, Owen Emitt 3 John Phillips, William Phillips
2 Between 1691 and 1694 John Phillips
1 1694 John Phillips Sr., John Phillips
2 Mrs. Elizabeth Ruffin, William Phillips, & Sambo, Jack, Will, James, Tom, Judah negroes 2 Between 1694 and 1697 John Phillips and John Phillips
2 Between 1694 and 1697 John Phillips and John Phillips
2 1697 John Phillips Jr.
1 Ruth Phillips, Luke Muchow (?)
1 1700 Joseph Thorpe, John Phillips,
Isbell a negro 3 John Bentley and William and Thomas Phillips, William Lucas, William Carrell and Samboe negro 3 Between 1700 and 1703 John Wapple and William Phillips
2 John Bentley and Thomas Philps
2 1703 William Phillips, John Phillips,
Dick a negro 3 From
the following reference we know that a John Phillips, spelled with two “L”s, owned 150 acres in the Lawnes Creek
area about 1736. However without seeing the original record there’s no
way to know if the spelling is correct. http://www.genfiles.com/jordan/Jordanchron1720-1780.htm 9
Mar 1736/7 Joseph Jordan and William
Baldwin witness a deed from John Phillips to Anthony Evans, both of Lawnes
Creek parish, for 150 acres in Lawnes Creek. [Surry County Deeds & Wills
Book 8, p663]
Apparently there was another John Phillips, with two “L”s, who died about
1749 in Surry County VA according to the following reference. Wager/Wages Early Timeline to 1800 in VA, NC, & SC 1749 ROBERT WAGER Witness to will of John
Phillips. Other witness was Geo. Cryer. Established 20 May 1749 in Surry County Court, Book 9, p. 631(cited in Wills
and Administrations of Surry Co., Eliza Timberlake Davis, p. 104) 14 Nov 1677, In a deposition made by Katherine Survutt, age 30 years, it was stated that Edward
Dickeson living at Mr. Edwards said if he die before Ni: Witherington, Witherington should have all he had. That they came
over in this country together, Dickeson was very sick on board ship and Ni: Witherington was helpful to him. He was advised
to make a will and replied "Katherine, you have often heard me say that Ni: Witherington should have all I have when I dye."
John Phillips, age 45 years, testified to the same. Surry County Book 2, Page
153 Title Publication 1690 Gen. note Part of index to wills not listed in Virginia Wills
and Administrations, 1632-1800 (Torrence). Note Will - 1690 Note Surry Co. D. W. Etc. 4, 1687-1694, p. 185[b]. Subject - Personal Added Title System Number 000528950 Title Publication 1691 Gen. note Part of index to Surry County Wills and Administrations
(1652 - 1850) Note Surry Co. Deeds, Wills, Etc. 4, 1687-94, p. [204a] Subject - Personal Subject -Geographic Genre/Form Added Title System Number 000550915 Title Publication 1714 Gen. note Part of index to Surry County Wills and Administrations
(1652 - 1850) Note Deeds, Wills, Etc. 6, 1709-1715, p. 213 Subject - Personal Subject -Geographic Genre/Form Added Title System Number 000550916 Title Publication 1749 Gen. note Part of index to Surry County Wills and Administrations
(1652 - 1850) Note Deeds, Wills, Etc., 1738-1754, p. 631-632 Subject - Personal Subject -Geographic Genre/Form Added Title System Number 000550917 Title Publication 1759 Gen. note Part of index to Surry County Wills and Administrations
(1652 - 1850) Note Deeds, Wills, Etc. 10, 1754-1768, p. 178-180 Subject - Personal Subject -Geographic Genre/Form Added Title System Number 000550918 Title Publication 1759 Gen. note Part of index to Surry County Wills and Administrations
(1652 - 1850) Note Surry Co. Deeds, Wills, Etc. 10, 1754-68, p. 183-184. Subject - Personal Subject -Geographic Genre/Form Added Title System Number 000550919 Title Publication 1779 Gen. note Part of index to Southampton County Wills and Administrations
(1749 - 1800) Note p. 245-246. Will pro. 14. Feb. 1779. P. 275. Inv. rec. 10 June 1779. Note Will Book No. 3, 1772-1782 (Reel 16) Subject - Personal Subject -Geographic Genre/Form Added Title System Number 000546189 itle Publication 1795 Gen. note Part of index to Isle of Wight County Wills and
Administrations (1628-1800) Note p. 335. Inv. rec. 1 June 1795 p. 313-314. Will pro. 5 Jan. 1795 p. 334-335. Accounts rec. 1 June 1795 Note Will Book, Vol. 10, 1785-1796 (Reel 26) Subject - Personal Subject -Geographic Added Title System Number 000540421 |
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