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I have
not found any information that ties my Joseph Philips to the Joseph Philips at the Battle of Kings Mt. The book Tennessee Records, Bible Records and Marriage Bonds,
by Robert Acklen (p. 73) includes the reference to my Joseph Philips
Jr being a scout in the Battle of Kings Mt.: "Joseph Philips served as guide for the Continental forces and participated in the Battle of Kings Mountain. Mathew Philips, brother of Joseph Philips, commanded a regiment of troops and died preceding the Battle of Kings
Mountain, from an overdraught of water." When this book was first published in 1933, the last surviving child of Joseph Philips Jr. had been dead 47 years. So it's likely the information came from family lore
and there is no written family history of this service that I can find. This
information was also published in the book " History of Davidson Co., Tenn.”
By Prof. W. W. Clayton, reproduced 1971, page 413, and first published in 1880, one hundred years after the Battle of Kings
Mountain. The
book "A History of Tennessee and Tennesseans"
by William T. Hale, published 1913, Volume VII Page 2024 claimed that Joseph Philips was a rebel, and during the Revolutionary
War fought for independence.
Tennessee Records - Tennessee
Records and Marriage Bonds By Jeannette Tillotson Acklen First
published Nashville 1933 Joseph Philips Joseph
Philips, great-great-great-grandfather of Margaret Chambers-Bouton (Mrs. George Ralph Bouton), Lebanon, Tenn. Joseph Philips was an early settler, emigrated in 1791 with his wife, Milbrey Horn,
from Edgecomb County, N. C., to Davidson County, and settled six miles north of Nashville.
His ancestry for several generations, both paternal and maternal, were natives of Edgecomb Province under the Colonial
Government. Joseph Philips served as guide for the Continental forces and participated
in the Battle of Kings Mountain. Mathew Philips, brother of Joseph Philips, commanded
a regiment of troops and died preceding the Battle of Kings Mountain, from an overdraught of water." Joseph
Philips served as Justice for Davidson County in 1796. Joseph Philips was born in Edgecomb County, N. C., Oct. 31, 1763; died in Davidson County, Tenn., May 22, 1832;
married, 1785, Milbrey Horn, born in Edgecomb County, N. C., Dec. 4, 1764, daughter of Henry Horn, Jr., second husband of
Sarah Battle, Hiliard, widow, died in Davidson County, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1851. I
have been unable to substantiate the above claim that Joseph and Mathew were involved in the Battle of King's Mountain
which took place 7 October 1780. There do not seem to be good records regarding the individual participants
of this famous battle. It is unlikely that Joseph Philips Jr served in the Revolutionary War based on his young age
(17 at the time of the battle) and the fact that there is no record he received a land grant or pension for his service. There also is no record
of his brother Mathew being at this battle. In fact I believe Matthew died before his father's death
in December of 1779 as explained below. Matthew Philips is a son of the Joseph Philips, Sr who
was born 6 Nov 1726 and died about 1779. Matthew Philips was born about 1752 in Surry County VA Matthew
died before his father's death in December of 1779 based on the below deed of gift his brother Benjamin
received from his brothers. Therefore it's not likely he commanded a Regiment of troops and died preceding the
battle of King's Mt. as related below. This battle took place on 7 Oct 1780. Deed of Gift "Dec 3, 1784, Edge CO NC Db 4, Pg 346,
Etheldred Philips, Exum Philips and Joseph Philips, Junr. of Edge deed of gift to their brother, Benjamin Philips, for
love and affection two plantations containing 1000 ac. Their father, Joseph Phillips, decd., did
in his last will and testament give these lands to his son, Matthew Philips, who predeceased him, and the
aforesaid Joseph Philips never gave or devised the above lands but died posssessed of them. One tract containing 300 ac on the S side
of Swift Creek whereon John Sikes formerly lived, was purchased by Joseph Philips from Wm. Kinchen. The other tract containing 700 ac adj the aforesaid
plantation. Wit: Robt. Degges, Jesse Johnson, Jacob Dickenson" I believe our Joseph Philips was confused with another Joseph Philips
who served as a Captain and recruiting officer in Richmond, Surry County, NC during the Revolutionary War. There are at least two Revolutionary
War pension applicants (Frederick Binkley and Christopher Kerby) who claim to have been there with the Capt. Joseph
Philips from Richmond NC. There is a Revolutionary War Record for a Joseph Philips who was commissioned
16 April 1776 in the Fourth Regiment of the NC Troops in the Continental Line. Our Joseph Philips would have only been 13
years old at the time and his father would have been about 50 years old, making it unlikely either would be this Joseph Philips. The above Joseph Philips
is from Richmond, Surry county, NC is the son of Joseph and Mary Philips of Surry County NC. He was born in 1738 according
to Family Group 29 of the Phillips DNA project records at http://www.phillipsdnaproject.com/ylineage/pedigrees-by-family-group/82-family-group-29 . That would make him 38 years old when he was commissioned in 1776. On-line Magazine
“Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution” Joseph Philips listed
in box 110 under Benjamin Cleveland [Wilkes & Surry Cos. NC] in “B48 Table of Whig Militia Participants at the Battle
of Kings Mountain”
Rosters of the Continental Line From North Carolina Roster of 4th Regiment of the Continental Army Led By Col. Thomas Polk
North Carolina in the Revolutionary War - With many links to valuable resources.
Also, I found at Battle of Ramseurs , an account of the Battle of Ramseur's Mill on
20 June 1780, four months before the Battle of King's Mt. The importance of the battle is explained as follows: "This
battle is but little known in history, yet is one of the most important in results and best-fought of the American Revolution.
King's Mountain and Ramsaur's Mill at that time were both in Lincoln County,
and not twenty miles apart. If Moore had obeyed Lord Cornwallis, and delayed organization until Ferguson advanced, he could
have reinforced him with two thousand men. If the Whigs had been defeated matters would have been in even worse condition.
Ramsaur's Mill was the first and most important "act" in King's Mountain. It destroyed Toryism in that section and caused
Bryan, with his followers, to leave the "forks of the Yadkin" and not return until Cornwallis came." This battle took place on 20 June
1780 and the Battle of King's Mountain took place on 7 October 1780. Among the known participants
in this battle were listed: “Surry
County Regiment of Militia detachment led by Lt. Col. William Shepherd (Wilkes) and Maj. Richard Goode, with two (2) known
companies, led by: - Capt. Harrison Murray -
Capt. Joseph Philips” So, Capt. Joseph Philips from the Surry County Regiment of Militia was at this battle and also at the nearby
battle of King's Mountain. This Joseph Phillips was born in 1738 (the son of Joseph and Mary Phillips of Surry Co NC). He was a member of the NC Militia and a recruiter in Richmond NC as noted in the pension applications
on this page. Here is a map of the location of the battle, showing its location relative to Surry County.
Checking the records of the SAR I find
no application for membership based on Joseph Philips or Phillips. However,
there are four applications for membership into the DAR based on our Joseph Philips (but spelled with two “L”s). I ordered one of the applications and it says Joseph Phillips #A090616 served in
the North Carolina 2nd Regiment under Col William Campbell as a “Guide”. The application I ordered was for Irene Ewing Hoss Bachner, national # 595185, who
applied in 1978. This application's approval was based on "The History
of Davidson Co., Tenn.” By Prof. W. W. Clayton, page 413, originally published 1880, one hundred years after the
Battle of Kings Mountain. Sentences
referencing his rank as Capt. and his being at King's Mountain Battle were disallowed and crossed out.
Revolutionary War Pension Applications that mention Capt. Joseph
Philips PHILIPS, Joseph (Capt.) Mentioned in the Revolutionary War Pension Applications of the
following: 1. Recruiting officer at Surry old courthouse or Richmond, Surry County, NC in 1777. See Christopher Eaton file. Capt. Joseph Philips' company also included William Apperson.
This company marched north to Virginia. Soldiers then served at Brandywine, Monmouth, White Plains, etc., but not sure whether
Phillips did. 2. At King’s Mountain Battle Mentioned in Frederick Binkley and Christopher Kerby files below. 3. Expedition to the lead mines in 1780 and
capture of Tory. See George Kreger and
William Apperson files below.. Pension
Application of Frederick Albarty or Alberty and Elizabeth Albarty or Alberty – Vol 5. North Carolina pension abstracts
– Ancestry.com Pension Application of Christopher
Eaton (Valentine): R3214 Transcribed
and annotated by C. Leon Harris State of North Carolina} Court of pleas and quarter sessions County of Surry} November Term 1832. On this the 13 day of November A.D. 1832, personally
appeared in open court, before the justices of the County Court of pleas and quarter sessions for the said county of
Surry, now
setting, Christopher Eaton, formerly called Christopher Valentine, a resident of this (Surry) County in the State of North Carolina,
aged seventy-six years, who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain
the benefit
of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he enlisted in the army of
the United States in the year 1777, with Joseph Philips, a recruiting
officer, at Richmond, then Surry Courthouse [now in Yadkin County N. Carolina, and served in the [blank] regiment of the N. Carolina
line, under the following named officers: viz. Col. John Armstrong, that we got to Richmond Va. in the company commanded by Captain Laban, (or
Labourn), Lieut. forgotten – Ensign forgotten. When I enlisted I lived in the county of Surry in the State of North Carolina, with one Gray
Bynum to whom I was bound. my name at this time was commonly called Christopher Valentine, and spelled “Valentine”,
I expect (as I
cannot read or write) – and have since been called Eaton, that being the English name given to my father
and family in this country, he having been a German, and called Valentine: after I enlisted we marched towards Richmond in the State
of Virginia, where we joined some other troops. I was here put under the Col. Alx’d. Martin we next marched towards Philadelphia.
We were
stationed some time at a place (name forgotten) and then marched through Philadelphia, and at length we joined the forces under Gen. Washington,
at his camp at
Brandywine: I, the said Christopher, fought in the Battle of Brandywine with the Americans under gen. Washington, against the
British; –
this battle took place as I believe sometime in September [the 11 ],
in the year
1777, the Americans lost about 1200 men in this battle. On this the
12th day of June 1833, personally appeared before me Charles Banner one of the acting Justices of the peace in and for the county of Stokes aforesaid
Eaton, a resident of the County of Surry in the State of North Carolina, being the same identical person who made his declaration in the County Court
of the said County of Surry in November term 1832, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following affidavit
as an amendment to his said declaration, viz. that he knows of no person living by whom he can prove the fact that he enlisted, or served
in the Regular service, they all being dec’d, but this affiant knows positively and unequivocally that he did enlist under Captain Joseph Philips, at Richmond Surry County N.C. in the month
of November 1777 or 1778 (for he cannot positively swear which year of the two it was) that he received the Bounty from the hand of the said
Joseph Philips, in presence of Henry Waller who enlisted at the same time, also Richard Philips (called black Dick Philips) who was
a Regular soldier, Daniel Scott, who enlisted on the same day and died the next, James Glenn, Jacob Dial (or Dyer) & others some soldiers and others citizens
who were present, amongst them this affiant swears he recollects one John Harper, a Regular soldier, – but all these are dead or gone from the
Country, and none of them known or believed to be alive now – that while in said Jos. Philip’s company he was
marched from
Richmond Surry County N.C. some distance toward the east and then were marched to Richmond Va. having passed through Salem N.C. Hillsborough,
Newbern [sic: New Bern]& Edenton N.C. and several other villages, – at Richmond Va. Capt. Philip’s Company of which this affiant positively swears he was a member joined other forces under the command
of Col. Alexander
Martin under whom he marched on to the Jerseys, this affiant being then in a company commanded by Capt. Laban or Labourn marched
through Philadelphia & joined the army under Gen. Washington at his Camp near Brandywine Creek –. that he fought in
the battle
of Brandywine, when Washington lost about twelve hundred m en. After this battle we marched to White Plains where we were
stationed for a long time, being under Gen. Arnold – this affiant swears that he was in several skirmishes with parties of the British during
the time he was under Gen. Arnold – that he continued under the command of said Arnold till the said Arnold ran away after attempting
to betray the army under him [sic: see note below], – previous to this as he thinks was the battle of Monmouth [28 June 1778] in
which this affiant fought – that when Gen. Gates set out for the South this affiant marched under his direction, on to Hillsborough
N.C. where
this affiant was honourably discharged by his Captain Laban having served three years at least – that the discharge which he received
was burned in his house several years ago – that he soon after getting home entered the service as a militia man (volunteer) under
Capt. Bostick & Col. John Armstrong, in which tour he served three months, at least, and that in the fall of the year 1780 he served his last tour
of service of three months – making in all three years and six months at the least which he served and for which he claims a pension having
served as a
private soldier the whole time of three years and six months, from the years 1777 to 1780 inclusive – this affiant
further swears that in consequence of great age and infirmity and the consequent loss of memory that he cannot recollect the whole of the officers
under whom he
served, nor the whole of the circumstances connected with his service as a Regular, and that he knows of no means in his favor
whereby he can prove the same, or any additional proof to what he has already adduced, but he is very certain that he served three years and
six months as
above stated: he further swears that he is entirely illiterate, and does not know how to spell his name – that when young he
did not understand the English Language properly consequently he expects he may be mistaken as to names of places and persons– That he
was sometimes called Valentine, sometimes called Eater, or Eator, and at other times Ettee or Hetty, so that he is not certain by what name he was put on the muster roll
– and that
sometimes his Christian name was called “Christopher,” at other times “Christian” – That
he is very infirm and quite destitute of the means of support, and earnestly solicits his country to remunerate him for services rendered in
the prime of life. Sworn to and subscribed
before the said Charles Banner on the 12th day of June 1833. Christopher hisXmark Eaton State of North Carolina Stokes
County In amendment to a Declaration heretofore filed in the W ar Office by Christopher
Eaton alias
(Eater) for the purpose of obtaining a Pension under the Act of Congress passed June 1832 – This 15 day April AD 1834 said
Eaton appeared before me Alexander King one of the Justices of the Peace of said County and made Oath that he is unable to find any proof
as to the regular
service as stated by him in his Declaration, and instructs the Department [illegible word] would access the rolls of the Army [two
illegible words], in order to ascertain if his name cannot be found – he states that while his name is Eaton, he has gone and been
called Eator or Ator, and on a certificate now in his possession given to him when he took the Oath of Allegiance before Joseph Winston
he is called Christofer Valentine – he states again that besides his regular service as stated in his Declaration – he served six
months in the Militia, to wit a three month tour under Capt. Hale of Surry County North Carolina in which tour he was at Gates defeat,
– he then
served another three months tour under Capt Bostick or Capt Lewis in which service he assisted in guarding persons taken at the
Battle of Kings Mountain [7 Oct 1780] – (at the old Town[?]) and in conducting them from old Town to Salisbury – he states that if the
service is not properly stated in his previous declarations – it is owing to the loss of recollection by extreme
old age or
an omission in his [illegible word] to put it down. Christopher hisXmark Eaton NOTES: Eaton’s original declaration states that he was discharged from the Continental
service in
May of 1780, and his first amendment states that he continued in Continental service until Gen. Benedict Arnold’s treason
was discovered. This latter event did not occur until 25 Sep 1780. On 2 June 1846 Susannah Eaton, 83, applied for a pension as the widow of Christopher Eaton. She
stated that her husband had been placed on the pension list on 24 July 1833 but dropped on 13 Aug 1832, she believed because he was
“unwilling to Receive the small amount of $20 per annum for his Revolutionary services.” She stated that she married Christopher
Eaton in Surry
County in 1781, and he died 5 July 1839. Frederick Binkley State of North Carolina} Stokes
County} Personally appeared before me Wm A Lash the undersigned a Justice of the Peace
for the
County of Stokes & State aforesaid Frederic Binkly who being sworn deposeth and saith that by reason of old age and the consequent loss
of memory he cannot swear possitively as to the precise length of his service, but according to the Best of his recollection he served not less that the periods
mentioned below and in the following grades: For first ensign two months in
the Kings Mountain expedition under Capt. Joseph Phillips and Major Joseph Winston first Commanded by Colonel [Benjamin] Cleveland thence
under Colonel [William ]
Campbell of Virginia. For 3 months as Second Sergeant under Capt Henry Smith in the Ridgiment Commanded
by Colonel
Joseph Williams called the Cherokee expedition. Pension Application of Christopher Kerby (or Kirby) S32356 fn16NC Transcribed by Will Graves rev'd 10/30/09 This applicant
further states that on or about the first of July 1780, he again volunteered as private in the
Army of the United States at Surry Courthouse North Carolina and served as a volunteer private of Horse
or dragoons in the Horse or dragoon company commanded by Captain James Shepherd. From Surry Courthouse Captain Shepherd proceeded with his company to Freeman's on the Yankee River, where his company was
joined by companies commanded by Captains Joseph Phillips
and Minor Smith, that the three companies were then and there placed under command of Major Joseph Winston and from thence proceeded to Wilkes Courthouse North Carolina where they were
joined by other troops which with the three companies aforesaid composed the regiment under command
of Colonel Benjamin Cleveland of North Carolina militia or volunteers. That at Wilkes Courthouse
Ensign William Hewitt of Captain Shepherd's company exited from the service and this applicant
was then and there appointed to fill the vacancy thereby accruing. That in the early part of August 1780 said Regiment
under officers aforesaid proceeded up the Catawba River where it joined the regiment of
troops under command of Colonel's Isaac Shelby, John Sevier and William Campbell; that said troops commanded by officers aforesaid advanced to the Cowpens, South Carolina where they were
joined by Colonel James Williams with a small force of South Carolina volunteers. From the Cowpens,
the combined force under command of officers aforesaid proceeded to King's Mountain where
they engaged and defeated the British and Tories. Pension application
of George Kreger (Kregor, Kreiger) W3696 Sally fn62NC Transcribed
by Will Graves 11/6/09 That about the first of
April 1779 he volunteered in the Company of Captain Joseph
Phillips, Lew Lewis & Colonel William Shepherd in the County of Surry that shortly after he was marched to Surry Old Court House he was sent over
the Allegheny Mountains to the lead mines on or near New River for lead that shortly after his return he was marched up the large fork of the
Yadkin River after the Tories who were commanded by Zale Coffin and continued in pursuit of the Tories near to Ramsour's mill where
the Tories before his company came up with them were attacked by Rutherford's troops and many of them destroyed, and the rest dispersed
-- that
he was then wheeled about and marched back to Surry Old Court House called Richmond -- that in performing this tour he and his fellows road
as horseman -- that after returning home he was permitted to return home and there spent a few days when he was again rendezvoused
with his
former fellow soldiers at the aforesaid Court house about harvest (June) 1779 -- that in a few days after the Whigs were collected at this place
they were attacked by a very large band of Tories hated by Gideon Wright and were compelled after some firing to abandon the village
-- that
he was marched under the aforesaid officers by way of escape down the Country, about 2 miles nearer to the place called Germanton -- that
his Company was then rallied and with companies commanded by Captain Ecles [sic, Echols?] & Captain Miller turned on the
Tories and
pursued them to the Shallow Ford of the Yadkin River about 18 miles that his company and the others mentioned arrived at the Ford in the morning
found the River too swelled that they could not cross but found that the Tories had crossed the River the evening before and
soon was informed
that it was unnecessary to cross as Captain Armstrong with his Company had fallen upon the Tories a few miles beyond the River and had
utterly routed them -- that he was then marched back to the said Court house -- that shortly after he was marched to Salisbury
Rowan County
under the same Officers and was marched thence to the South and joined the troops under General Rutherford near Rocky River Cabarrus
County -- that here they caught a Tory tie a rope around his neck and told him that unless he agreed to pilot our troops to the Main body of Tories he
should be hung -- that the Tory promised on his life being saved he would – that General Rutherford called for volunteers to go &
attack & as his Company were on horses they volunteered -- that he and the said volunteers under his Captain, Colonel Francis Locke
& Colonel
Davidson [William Lee Davidson] marched out after the Tories led as aforesaid and came home the Tories near the bank of Rocky River
and slew many, dispersed others & took many prisoners -- that the next morning General Rutherford came on to them with the balance
of the
troops when Captain Phillips and Colonel William Shepherd
marched their men home where
he arrived in the last of November or in the first of October 1779 -- that he staid at home until the month of December
following 1779
when he volunteered in a company commanded by Captain Peter Pinkley or Bentley & Lieutenant Frederick Pinkley or Binkley and
was marched
as a guard over Prisoners taken at King's Mountain2 and took them to old Moravian Town now called the old town and stayed there until
in the month
of January 1780. Pension Application of Elizabeth Appersona /Epperson, Widow
of William Apperson/Epperson W3915 Transcribed and annotated by Nancy Pfannenstiel On this 19th
day of March 1838 – personally appeared before me Charles Banner one of the acting justices
of the peace in and for the County of Stokes aforesaid. Elizabeth Apperson (alias) Epperson) a resident at this
time of the County of Stokes aforesaid at her son in law Thomas Sprinkle in North Carolina,
and she being first sworn according to law doth on her oath declare that she believes her age
is seventy seventy [sic] six years the 23rd of December 1837. who being on oath maketh the following
declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed
July 4th 1836, that she is the widow of William Appersonb who sometimes spelled Epperson, who
was a private soldier in the Army of the United States in revolutionary war and served
as private soldier in said service as a substitute in place of a William Harrison who had enlisted
as a continental soldier under a Captain Joseph Philips in Surry County, N. Carolina in Colo John Armstrongsc [Armstrong’s] Regiment. The date
not recollected. But from what her husband William Apperson related he was marched northwardly under
the above named officers. + fought in the following Battles (to wit :) Brandywine, Germantown near Philadelphia,
a Battle of Monmouth White Plains and was at New York many other places he mentioned and
not now recollected, but the applicant believes
he served in this service two years six months as he stated that the above names Wm Harrison had
enlisted for three years, and had served six months of is time previous to the time her husband he
received a bounty of two hundred twenty eight acres in the western district of Tennessee as
will appear in records of Secretarys [sic] office of N Carolina or Tennessee; the next service
the said William Apperson (alias Epperson) as a substitute in the place of William Headd in Surry
County, N. Carolina in August 1779 and marched from there under a Captain Salathial Martine to Salisbury N.
Carolina + there joined the army. this applicant don’t remember remember (sic) the officers
names who did command from there he said he marched in said army into South Carolina, served in
this tour three months, The next service said William Apperson (alias Epperson) entered
as a private substitute for a David Poindexterf in Captain Joseph Philips Company at Surry old court house in the spring
of the year 1780, as he related in Colo William Sheppards Regiment of Militia when he was ordered to
transport lead from the lead mines near a placed called Fort Chissct, to the main army
at Salisbury, which being done they marched in pursuit of the Tories in many directions to a plain called
Mulberry Fields. into the mountains sometimes would be gone ten days. Sometimes two and four weeks at intervals
would return home remain at home some length of time always to be [illegible]
to meet at Richmond as one of the minutemen, until he had fully served the tour
of three months for which he had engaged for David Poindexter, and next his own turn or class
had to be drafted. when he turnd out as a volunteer private [illegible] in the same company
of minute men under the same officers, for three months in the month of May 1781 was called
out at different periods after this applicant was married to said William Apperson
served as a guard at Richmond in the fall of the same year he was discharged from this three
month tour which was signed by Colo Martin Armstrongg as he stated showed her the discharge but could not read
it. Spainhour, Michael Affidavit of George Kregar (pensioner) – Stokes Co., NC, 30 Aug. 1838 – He was well acquainted
with Michael Spainhour as neighbors during the whole
of the Revolutionary War. He served in the same company and was mess mate with Michael nearly two tours of duty in the militia.
There was a call and General Muster at old Richmond, Surry Old Court House, in 1778 by Col.
Martin Armstrong under Capt. Jo Philips. Spainhour, Krigar,
and William Apperson with about 100 men were enrolled as minute men to range after the Tories. A detachment
was marched to the lead mines on New River and brought lead for Gen. Rutherford’s Army and deposited it as said courthouse,
then marched back to New River to a Capt. Nalls to
route the Tories. Then through the mountains to Reddy’s River, then down to the Mulberry Fields, then to the Brushy
Mountains and to the Cataba River, where an express met us that a battle had been fought at Ransoms Mills, then marched back
to old Richmand and encamped there a few days. Col. Wm. Shepperd commanded
in the Route, then marched to Salisbury and Anson County, NC, to Rocky River, and at a place called Golsons old fields we
had a battle with some Tories and we took ten prisoners, when Col.
Davidson was wounded, then Col. Lock took command, where Michael Spainhour, having served over three months,
volunteered himself and joined Gen. Rutherford’s
Army and left our company. WALLER, Henry Henry Waller enlisted at same time as Christopher Eaton and others in November 1777 or 1778 before
Capt. Joseph Philips at Surry old Courthouse or Richmond,
NC. See Eaton file.
Ancestry.com Revolutionary War Records on Joseph
the Particular design of showing the part borne by North Carolina in that
struggle for liberty and independence, and to correct some of the errors of
history in regard to that state and its people. Appendex A. North
Carolina Troops in the Continental Line A
register of officers, with dates of commissions, made up under direction of
the secretary of State from records in his office, October 1884. Fourth
Regiment Philips, Joseph.........Commissioned 16 April 1776 My Joseph
Philips Jr. was born 31 Oct 1763 and would have been only 13 years old
at the time of this commission.
Therefore is likely not him. My Joseph
Philips Sr. was born about 1726 and would have been about 50 years old
at the time of this commission. From
an age standpoint, this could be Joseph Sr. Roster of North
Carolina Soldiers in the American Revolution North Carolina Revolutionary Army accounts a. Joseph
Soldier [Folio page 3] – Page 188 b. Capt.
Joseph Philips
– Page 190 c. Joseph
– Page 611 (Clark’s state records)
Reference: North Carolina State Records, Clark, Vol.
XVI, 1782-1783 [p.75] Philips,
Capt. Company: Philips' Roster
of North Carolina Revolutionary War soldiers
from 1776 to 1783 Vol. II. Book A.A.—Pages
1-44 Inclusive Title/Collection: Compiled Service Records of Soldiers
Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War Publication Number: M881 Publisher: NARA National Archives Catalog ID: 570910 National Archives Catalog
Title: Compiled Service Records
of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War,
compiled 1894 - ca. 1912, documenting the period 1775 - 1784 Record Group: 93 Date: 1775-1785 7.
Short Description: NARA M881. Compiled service records of
soldiers who served in the American Army during the Revolutionary War,
1775-1783. Roll: 0783 State: North Carolina Regiment: Second Regiment Record Type: Individual
Surname: Philips
Name: Joseph I found the
below record on Ancestry.com Fold3.com in the American Revolution North Carolina files, Folder 23, for the roll
of Lt Col Harvey’s Company, 1st Regiment, 1775-1783, NC Battalion commanded by Col Wm Patten dated 9 Sep 1778, showing a Joseph Philips listed as #38 and having
enlisted on 1 Dec 1777 for a period of three years. Our Joseph Philips would
have been 14 years old at that time, barely old enough to join.
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