Reader reactions on our article “Raptured, Part I: Darbyism and the Middle East”:
While you are correct in stating that the word “rapture” is nowhere used in the Bible, you are absolutely wrong
in stating that there is not “any clear description or explanation of the rapture” in scripture. 1 Thessalonians
4:13-18 is very clear in both its description and explanation of this event. […] It is very clear that this whole concept
was not a “invented by a renegade Irish Anglican priest with strange ideas and strong convictions, less than 200 years
ago” as you incorrectly stated.
The word “rapture” comes from the Latin word “rapturo”, which means “to be caught up.”
The word “rapture” is used by Christians simply as shorthand for this catching up together as stated in 1 Thessalonians
Also, Doug, your statement, “We're five years into the new millennium and nothing happened...” implies that you
believe that the return of the Lord is never coming. The amazing thing here is that you are specifically mentioned in biblical
prophecy. 2 Peter 3:3-4, 8-9 says, “First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing
and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died,
everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With
the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow keeping his promise, as
some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
The Apostle Peter says that your evolutionary, uniformitarian worldview has colored your thinking. According to God, everything
is not going on as it always has. God has entered history before in cataclysmic ways such as the universal flood. As a geologist,
you of all people should know this because the evidence of a universal flood is, well, universal. There is more than one way
to interpret the geologic data, and your evolutionary presuppositions have limited your options in interpretation. The reason
that you are still here, according to God's word, is so that you will not perish and have more time to repent and turn to
Jesus Christ. To put it in words of a famous person I know, life is “a burning match.” The choice is yours.
(Mark K.)
We’d like to seize the opportunity to point out that our chairman Doug Casey doesn’t personally write the articles
in WWNK. Rather, they are written by a diverse collection of friends and associates of Casey Research. He does, however, support
the generally libertarian “mind your own business; live and let live” views you’ll often find expressed
Doug will certainly appreciate, though, that he is “specifically mentioned in biblical prophecy.”
Dear Doug,
I think your article ‘Raptured Part I’ was brilliant and I can hardly wait for Part II. As a subscriber to your
newsletter, I regard you as one of the sharpest minds in the letter writing business, and this article is one of your best.
I am a born-again Christian who got caught up in the end-time hype. But once I started to study the Bible for myself, it became
clear to me that end-time eschatology is fantasy. […] In my opinion, the biggest threat to mankind is not the global
fiat money system, terrorism, peak oil, global warming, overpopulation but rather the end-time heresy. It has blinded the
fundamental born-again Christian Church, rendering it a pawn for political manipulation by the Zionists.
(Mark F.)
Thanks for the interesting article on John Nelson Darby. I already knew much of what you wrote, but it was a good read nonetheless.
However, Darby did not invent the ideas of the rapture and the millennium. Those concepts are plainly, though briefly, taught
in the scripture. Nevertheless, Darby was a false teacher and is now in Hell. The bible is true. All people know this, though
they suppress this truth just as Romans 1 says. So, make sure that you fear God before He kills you and sends you to Hell,
along with Darby, Billy Graham, James Dobson, and the other false “Christians” of this world.
(Matt A.)
(Wayne K.)
I take your comments about Christians and “right wingers” as insults. We are not idiots in spite of what you would
like others to believe. I am a Christian and a Republican and hope that if you are not a Christian, you will be some day.
My only suggestion is that you personally read the bible before commenting on it. You will look much smarter if you do. You
are correct in that the bible does not mention the word “rapture”, however, if you will look up the word in the
dictionary, you will find the meaning of the word throughout the bible.
(Vickey G.)
To Casey Research, I'd like to say a big THANKS for your research, and for providing the results for free! I especially love
the inside reports about China. For this week, I'm happy to find a secular report about rapture doctrine. It's a ludicrous
teaching that has serious consequences.
There are so many levels of irony involved it boggles the mind. Your article is especially timely for me. I've been trying
to figure out why this doctrine is so divisive in the church and why I should care. Aside from some weak clichés, I've been
unsuccessful. Now I know: it's important because it guarantees hatred among Muslims, Christians, and Jews, thus preventing
any kind of peace. I can hardly wait for the next installment. I'm sure you'll be hearing from a lot of outraged Christians,
but it's hard to argue against documented history.”
(Scott P.)
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