Fairness |
Trustworthiness |
Kindness |
Patience |
Gentleness |
Knowledge |
Discipline |
Compassion |
Integrity |
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

For millennia, Christians have believed that the end times are near. Armageddon and the second coming of Jesus, precluded
by the rise of the Antichrist and the seven years of tribulation, which—thanks to the rapture the Bible talks about—true
believers will impassively watch from a box seat in heaven.
Right? Not quite.
In fact, you would have to look long and hard to find the word ‘rapture’ in the Bible… it’s simply
not there. Nor is any clear description or explanation of the rapture. Which is probably due to the fact that the whole concept
was invented by a renegade Irish Anglican priest with strange ideas and strong convictions, less than 200 years ago.
A man whose beliefs, one could argue, are largely responsible for the current state of affairs in the Middle East.
Sound interesting? Read the full story by clicking on the headings below. This was excerpted from the weekly newsletter
of Casey Research and makes really interesting reading.
From "What We Now Know, week of July 5, 2005"
Excerpted from the weekly newsletter of Casey Research "What We Now Know, week of July 12, 2005" Reader reactions to last
week's article Raptured, Part I: Darbyism and the Middle East:
From "What We Now Know, week of July 12, 2005"
Excerpted from the weekly newsletter of Casey Research "What We Now Know, week of July 12, 2005". Reader reactions to last
weeks article Raptured, Part II: Commercialized Apocalypse.