Principles to Live By

Spiritual wisdom for the Class of 2020 (New 23 May 2020)
FBI: Hate crimes, anti-Semitic attacks up in 2017 (New 16 Nov 2018)
High CEO Pay Means Disappointing Stock Returns (New 1 Aug 2016)
Importance of Teaching Values (New 24 Mar 2016)
America's economy is a nightmare of our own making (New 25 Jun 2015)
The Stranger in Your Home (New 24 Mar 2015)
The Cost of WWII Air War (New 28 Mar 2014)
Wealth Inequality in America (New 6 Dec 2013)
The Psycholoty of Winning (New 3 Feb 2013)
Crisis of the Middle Class (New 8 Jan 2013)
Income Inequality Grows in TN (New 15 Nov 2012)
Why the Economy is Slow (New 12 Oct 2012)
Veteran's Charity Under Fire (New 15 Aug 2012)
Nursing Homes Vs. Prison (New 12 Nov 2010)
Soul of the Republic (New 30 Oct 2010)
National Purpose (New 16 Oct 2010)
Inside Job (New 14 Oct 2010)
'Big Business' Democrats (New 14 Oct 2010)
Corporate Governance (New 1 Oct 2010)
Common Good (New 1 Oct 2010)
American Wealth (New 19 Sep 2010)
Shrinking Middle Class (New 19 Sep 2010)
Financial Market Failure (New 15 Mar 2010)
Pledge of Allegiance (New 14 Mar 2010)
The Gift of Fear (New Jan 2010)
No Time to Lose (New Sept 2009)
Fiduciary Responsibity (New 7 Mar2009)
What Hamilton Has Wrought (New 27 Mar2009)
What Would Jesus Do? (New 21 Mar2009)
Global Warming (New March 2007)
What I Wish For
Scout's Oath
Osama Bin Laden
Close to Home
Inhumanity to Man
DC Area Snipers
Civil Society
Religious Extremism
Stem Cell Research
Contact Me
Peaceful Civil Disobedience

Clipart of a computer; Actual size=146 pixels wide



Fairness Trustworthiness Kindness
Patience Gentleness Knowledge
Discipline Compassion Integrity

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


Someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to.


If you don't like the Guiding Principles, try the following.

The Boy Scout Law
A scout is:

  • Trustworthy
  • Loyal
  • Helpful
  • Friendy
  • Courteous
  • Kind
  • Obedient
  • Cheerful
  • Thrifty
  • Brave
  • Clean
  • Reverent

The Scout Oath
I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.    

My purpose in publishing this web site is to make people think about the golden rule and how it applies to them and others in their daily lives and not to convince others of my opinions.
My general approach is to start with comments from me in blue at the top of the page followed by an article or story below from another source. 
Note that my comments contain my opinions and should be read with that in mind. 
The articles and stories contain a mixture of facts and opinions from other sources and are selected by me because I think they represent food for thought.  Most of these will relate to the central theme of this web site, Principles to Live By.


An effort to make the world a better place in which to live.

The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 reminded us once again of man's inhumanity to man. The Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote "Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn" in his poem "Man was made to Mourn", written almost two hundred and fifty years ago.

It seems that for whatever reason, a percentage of the worldly population is always engaged in assaulting the rest of the population for their own personal gain or satisfaction.

Over the centuries, man has used religious mandates as justification for such acts. While street crimes in the United States and elsewhere aren't usually based on such high moral grounds, many aggressions against man are.

The United States is a nation founded on Christian principles but based on an over-riding principle of religious freedom. In fact, the Pilgrims and many of our country's early settlers came here to escape religous persecution.

Recently, several governing bodies around the US have espoused posting the Christian Ten Commandants in all of the schools as a way of instilling the kinds of values that will reduce this violence of man toward man.

These efforts have run into a solid wall of opposition from those who recognize the rights of other religious groups not to be subjected to other's religious teachings in public schools.

The Ten Commandents may be a Christian document, however when all of the world's religions are analyzed, they are all found to contain a number of common guiding principles. These common principles have been noted by none other than the popular author, consultant, and motivator, Stephen R. Covey, of Salt Lake City Utah USA.

Rather than try to foster our particular religous beliefs on others in an attempt to immprove their sense of social and moral responsiblities, why not focus on the common ideals that all religions espouse?

Who can argue with the idea of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? Who can argue that having compasion for others is not good for all men?

I believe we should begin a serious effort in the United States, and even around the world, to widely publish and foster an understanding and adoption of these commonly accepted guiding principles. For ease of use, I suggest referring to them just as "PRINCIPLES TO LIVE BY".

I have taken the liberty to substitute "compassion" for Covey's "consistency" which I believe is a more important central principle all men should adopt.

I've also added a version of the "Golden Rule" which I believe encompasses in one sentence all nine of these principles.

These principles are non-denominational. They are non-controversial. They are readily accepted by every serious religious group around the world. If widely adopted and practiced, we not only would have less violence of man against man, but fewer Enron fiascoes where a few profited from the pain of many. 
If these less intelligent animals and birds below can get along together, so can we.

Larry Feldhaus







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