Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Recently a report was issued that struck a bell for me. For some time I have
realized that the long term success of the United States, or any country for that matter, depends on its ability to harness
the collective energy of its citizenry to achieve its full potential.
More and more it seems we in the United States are depending on a select few to provide
for the many, and neglecting to utilize the full potential of all of our citizens.
As a result, we have the largest prison population of any developed nation, a serious
problem with large numbers of drug abusers, and a large segment of the population living on goverment entitlement programs.
Clearly education is one way we can empower and encourage wider participation in the
American dream.
So when I came upon the paper sumarized below, I was in agreement that we did need
increased equality in educational oportunities across our great Country.
To read the entire paper just click on the title and a new window will open with the
entire document appearing in pdf format. Be patient as it's a large file and may take a minute or two to open.
No Time to Lose: Why America Needs an Education Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to Improve Public Education
By The Southern Education Foundation
High Quality Public Education for All: Vital to America’s National Interests
Education, the Global Economy, and the American Dream: Developed nations such as the United States increasingly must depend on skilled labor and innovation
to spur and sustain economic development, investment and growth, and national competitiveness in a technology-driven global
Due to lagging educational quality and
achievement, America’s future economic progress is at risk. Business, investment, job creation, earnings levels, productivity,
and creativity are hobbled by declining education levels. The growing
inequality between rich and poor, as well as falling incomes for the middle class, are endangering the ability of millions
to escape from poverty and enjoy the American Dream of freedom.
Education and American Demographics: Because of changing demographics, the nation’s future human capital and economic
growth increasingly depend upon how well minority and low income students are educated. Today, minority students constitute
almost 45 percent of public school enrollment in the United States, and more than 46 percent of the nation’s public
school students are low income (eligible for free or reduced cost lunches).
While diversity is an important economic asset, these demographics pose an enormous challenge for America’s systems of education:
the children who are fast becoming a new majority in
America’s schools have the nation’s lowest levels of educational achievement and attainment.
Education and National Security: America’s national security depends on the intelligence, analytic capacities, and
proficiencies of its people in a world that has grown increasingly dangerous. Between 2005 and 2008, however, the number of
military recruits with a high school diploma decreased from 84 percent to 73 percent. At every level—from battlefields,
to technology, to diplomacy—education is a national security issue. In order to thrive and survive, the United States
must develop education systems that provide students—tomorrow’s leaders—with the skills needed to understand,
guide, and make good decisions in relation to national security and defense in increasingly complex and uncertain times.
Education and American Democracy: Education is the foundation for preserving American democratic practices, ideals, and values.
Education enables Americans to exercise sound judgment, participate in civic and political participation on an informed basis, and help improve the larger society. As John Kenneth Galbraith observed: “…[E]ducation makes democracy possible, and along with economic development, it makes it necessary, even inevitable.”
More than ever before, education is now the means by which the nation can demonstrate and preserve its values and constitutional